I suppose this entry should come earlier at least before this and this. Heh! But at that time my mind was occupied with something else. Okay whatever it is, here we goes....
As I told you ladies before, we celebrate our first Anniversary at Jervis Bay. And FYI, we celebrate it a day earlier since the next day we have something else to do. Unlike other couples yang probably celebrate it with candle light dinner or maybe second honeymoon or just on bed but we planned to watch dolphin instead. What a horrible idea kan? Hehehe....
The normal price of the ticket is around AUD70+ per adult but that day we went with many others international student on a trip so we only paid 55 dolar per person. Yep it's cheap but again it's a bad idea to celebrate your first anniversary. Haha... Orang lain pergi berdua dan beromantika but we go in large group which is tak sesuai sangat nak bermesraberomen. Tapi kalau beromen pun siapa kisah kata kat negara mat saleh...standard lah!
So we departed around 9.30am and reached Uni back at 5.30pm. On the way to Jervis bay which took us around 1 hour and 30 minutes, we stop by at a very old fashioned english town. I just love this place and the shops around. Very unique and yes very old fashion!
Okaylah just layankan saja gambar-gambar ni. Malas nak cerita bukan uols baca pun kan!
As I told you ladies before, we celebrate our first Anniversary at Jervis Bay. And FYI, we celebrate it a day earlier since the next day we have something else to do. Unlike other couples yang probably celebrate it with candle light dinner or maybe second honeymoon or just on bed but we planned to watch dolphin instead. What a horrible idea kan? Hehehe....
The normal price of the ticket is around AUD70+ per adult but that day we went with many others international student on a trip so we only paid 55 dolar per person. Yep it's cheap but again it's a bad idea to celebrate your first anniversary. Haha... Orang lain pergi berdua dan beromantika but we go in large group which is tak sesuai sangat nak bermesra
So we departed around 9.30am and reached Uni back at 5.30pm. On the way to Jervis bay which took us around 1 hour and 30 minutes, we stop by at a very old fashioned english town. I just love this place and the shops around. Very unique and yes very old fashion!
Okaylah just layankan saja gambar-gambar ni. Malas nak cerita bukan uols baca pun kan!

Actually the dolphins didn't turn up but luckily the whales came out. Kalau tak mesti dapat refund balik tickets... Ceh!!!
Okay done! Tak boleh tunjuk banyak-banyak. Nanti orang kata nak menunjuk la tu. Heee.... BTW tomorrow we plan to go for tulips festival at Canberra. Yeehaaa... I love flowers walaupun tak pernah lagi habibi hadiahkan! Hopefully dia baca part ni. Hehehe....
Anyway have a blast weekends everyone! Cheers~
Anyway have a blast weekends everyone! Cheers~