How do I start this? Hurrmm....
It was suppose to be a Wordless Wednesday entry. Just a picture without a word. But, then I just being a bit naughty by putting extra words and making some story and never thought that people especially my dear readers would believe it!
To all of you yang terpercaya especially to Asna cute, Hana Sakura, Fatiha and Chekgu Azrini yang congrats me in the previous entry, I'M TRULY SORRY.... Ladies, I'm not yet pregnant okay? And here is the true story... Please, please, please... jangan marah saya. Sila cubit-cubit saya dari jauh!
Remember my previous entry here. I did mention yang last weekend I wanted to watch dolphin and bought some clothes for my friend's baby shower party rite? So, during that baby shower party lah suddenly I got pregnant and my dear friends yang responsible for making me looks like a pregnant mother....
Aiyooo... I feel so guilty especially kat Chekgu sebab dah siap ber instinct bagai... I hope you all semua sudi maafkan saya. Sekali sekala dalam blog mesti mau kasi kejutan, debaran, suspen, gurauan dan sewaktu dengannya baru terasa meriah kan? Hopefully, tak adalah yang menyumpah seranah pula okay! Really sorry...
So, sebagai galang gantinya... Here's the full cover story... with pictures.... Layan Zasss~
The Baby shower party is actually for her... Kell untuk anak yang ke 3 tau! Normally orang buat baby shower untuk first expecting child kot but she never had it before and she thought she would never ever had it in her life. Because she's such a dear friend and sister to everyone, so the juniors decided to throw a baby shower surprise for her. So the event happen on Sunday 18 September (on our wedding anniversary) at Sue's house.
For every baby shower party tak sah kalau tiada games kan. So we had 2 games aje. The rest is live performance from friends and a surprise performance from her own husband!

So the first game adalah untuk membuntingkan seseorang supaya menyerupai Kell. Uh uh...memang my group dah aim nak kenakan saya since I'm a newly wed yang masih mood honeymooing lagi...Hehehe... Sebab event semua girls except for the cameraman, so saya pun layankan saja. Being sporting la konon. Hehehe... One of this is the picture yang uols tengok dalam previous entry. Macam real kah? Salute pada my group members yang susah payah bikin I pregnant and yes my group won this game!
The second game was named anything yang related dengan pregnancy using 2 of this letters: K, M, A and I. For example, our group chose letter M and A. So, things like Avent, morning sickness, mengidam and etc were among the listed thing. And again our group won this round. Heh!
So after that we have makan-makan and performance dan tidak lupa juga sesi bergambar sana sini. Adoi... malas nak cerita lebih-lebih so layan gambar saja ok!

Gambar atas ni my gift to her. Boleh cam tak macam rupa apa my gift tuh? The gift consist of a baby blanket, romper, seluar and stuffy toys. I try to wrap it macam botol susu. Jadi tak? Haha-
And before I ended it here, again I wanted to apologize for each and everyone of you yang terpercaya lalu berasa marah dan sebagainya. Maafkanlah gurauan saya okay. I wish to tell you guys earlier tapi busy pula dengan open house preparation which is going to happen today. However, deep inside my heart memang I wish to get pregnant pun tapi lepas berkali-kali fikir mungkin the best is untuk merancang dulu at the moment since right now I'm dealing with nasty chemicals which is dangerous and toxic. So I don't want anything bad happen to myself especially my baby if I got pregnant. Apa pun doakan lah saya ya kawan-kawan and lepas ni if I say I'm pregnant I really mean it so. No more joking and I promise!
It was suppose to be a Wordless Wednesday entry. Just a picture without a word. But, then I just being a bit naughty by putting extra words and making some story and never thought that people especially my dear readers would believe it!
To all of you yang terpercaya especially to Asna cute, Hana Sakura, Fatiha and Chekgu Azrini yang congrats me in the previous entry, I'M TRULY SORRY.... Ladies, I'm not yet pregnant okay? And here is the true story... Please, please, please... jangan marah saya. Sila cubit-cubit saya dari jauh!
Remember my previous entry here. I did mention yang last weekend I wanted to watch dolphin and bought some clothes for my friend's baby shower party rite? So, during that baby shower party lah suddenly I got pregnant and my dear friends yang responsible for making me looks like a pregnant mother....
Aiyooo... I feel so guilty especially kat Chekgu sebab dah siap ber instinct bagai... I hope you all semua sudi maafkan saya. Sekali sekala dalam blog mesti mau kasi kejutan, debaran, suspen, gurauan dan sewaktu dengannya baru terasa meriah kan? Hopefully, tak adalah yang menyumpah seranah pula okay! Really sorry...
So, sebagai galang gantinya... Here's the full cover story... with pictures.... Layan Zasss~
The Baby shower party is actually for her... Kell untuk anak yang ke 3 tau! Normally orang buat baby shower untuk first expecting child kot but she never had it before and she thought she would never ever had it in her life. Because she's such a dear friend and sister to everyone, so the juniors decided to throw a baby shower surprise for her. So the event happen on Sunday 18 September (on our wedding anniversary) at Sue's house.
For every baby shower party tak sah kalau tiada games kan. So we had 2 games aje. The rest is live performance from friends and a surprise performance from her own husband!

So the first game adalah untuk membuntingkan seseorang supaya menyerupai Kell. Uh uh...memang my group dah aim nak kenakan saya since I'm a newly wed yang masih mood honeymooing lagi...Hehehe... Sebab event semua girls except for the cameraman, so saya pun layankan saja. Being sporting la konon. Hehehe... One of this is the picture yang uols tengok dalam previous entry. Macam real kah? Salute pada my group members yang susah payah bikin I pregnant and yes my group won this game!
The second game was named anything yang related dengan pregnancy using 2 of this letters: K, M, A and I. For example, our group chose letter M and A. So, things like Avent, morning sickness, mengidam and etc were among the listed thing. And again our group won this round. Heh!
So after that we have makan-makan and performance dan tidak lupa juga sesi bergambar sana sini. Adoi... malas nak cerita lebih-lebih so layan gambar saja ok!

And before I ended it here, again I wanted to apologize for each and everyone of you yang terpercaya lalu berasa marah dan sebagainya. Maafkanlah gurauan saya okay. I wish to tell you guys earlier tapi busy pula dengan open house preparation which is going to happen today. However, deep inside my heart memang I wish to get pregnant pun tapi lepas berkali-kali fikir mungkin the best is untuk merancang dulu at the moment since right now I'm dealing with nasty chemicals which is dangerous and toxic. So I don't want anything bad happen to myself especially my baby if I got pregnant. Apa pun doakan lah saya ya kawan-kawan and lepas ni if I say I'm pregnant I really mean it so. No more joking and I promise!
haaaa kena minta denda nieeeeee! biasa dia kena2 kan org nie.. xbaik tau. asna dh over excited okey!..
dendanya adalah..
kirim kan asna baju baby boy 6month above sebyk 10-15 psg cmpur baju siang dn malam(lgn panjang) pastu poskan kepd asna pastuuuuuu sila bg no acct nak bank in duit baju n kos pghantaran sekali tau.
denda nie.. perlu buat hahaha =D
Amboi! xbaik tau Nur..meh sini nak babab sikit..
hehehe..actually masa tgk your pic ada gak terdetik apasal lain sgt perut dia ni..kembung dari atas sampai ke bwh..hehe..
p/s: xbaik tau buat org mcm ni=) mcm terpecaya juga. tapi bila me fikir2 semula..dgn you main ski lagi..pegi jalan sana smelt something fishy. dah ye kenakan org ;p
Asna, again sorry tau...hehe... Okay insyaAllah esok kalau akk pi dapto akk cari okeh..
Mrs Zach:heee...sekali sekala aje...gurau2...dengan teman blogger...hihi...
its ok.. instinct akak still ON.. sooner or later u will be a preggy woman.. hehehe..
takpe.. akak tak ambik hati sis..
eh kalau betul apa salahnya hehe, tapi serius geram nak cubit cubitan ok! bestnya baby showers...
yes agree part chemicals tu...dangerous for the baby nasib baik hubby understanding...
Chekgu: Thanx akak...insyaAllah mudah-mudahan ada rezeki sy nanti...
Hanis: Alhamdulillah hubby sgt understanding dan sedar akan bahayanya juga...